Project Management Fundamentals


In this course, you will learn the most important skills and the applicable tools of successful Project Management in a fast and efficient way.

What you will learn

 Learn the different phases of the Project Lifecycle .
 What is Triple Constraint Theory and how to put it into practice.
 Methodologies and Frameworks used in Project Management.
 Learn about important tools like Gannt Chart, WBS, PERT Chart, CPM. 

About this course

In today’s business world managing projects has become essential. This course provides a practical approach to what many consider a complex process: the management of projects.

The course is designed to simplify the management processes required to manage a
project successfully from start to end. It defines Project Management in simple terms
and provides you with all of the tools required to make your project a success.
By studying the project life-cycle you will learn how to initiate, plan, execute and close projects properly.



Online Course


2 hours (self-paced)








Lifetime access



Do you need experience as a Project Manager to take this course ?
No, this this course is designed for the absolute beginner

How would this course benefit me ?
This course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a Project Manager or if you just curious about the subject. The course teaches everything an absolute beginner needs to embark on the journey of becoming a Project Manager.

Is this course really 100% online? Do I need to attend any classes in person?
This course is completely online, so there’s no need to show up to a classroom in person.

Is this course taught in other languages ?
Currently all IIBMT courses are taught in English only.

What you will earn

Once you complete the course and you successfully pass the final exam, you will be awarded a certificate like the sample shown below.

Save over 60% on this course


Project Management Fundamentals


In this course, you will learn the most important skills and the applicable tools of successful Project Management in a fast and efficient way.



Online Course


2 hours (self-paced)








Lifetime access

What you will learn

 Learn the different phases of the Project Lifecycle.
 What is Triple Constraint Theory and how to put it into practice.
 Methodologies and Frameworks used in Project Management.
 Learn about important tools like Gannt Chart, WBS, PERT Chart, CPM.

About this course

In today’s business world managing projects has become essential. This course provides a practical approach to what many consider a complex process: the management of projects.

The course is designed to simplify the management processes required to manage a project successfully from start to end. It defines Project Management in simple terms and provides you with all of the tools required to make your project a success.
By studying the project life-cycle you will learn how to initiate, plan, execute and close projects properly.



Do you need experience in a leadership position to take this course ?
No, this this course is designed for the absolute beginner

How would this course benefit me ?
This course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a Project Manager or if you just curious about the subject. The course teaches everything an absolute beginner needs to embark on the journey of becoming a Project Manager.

Is this course really 100% online? Do I need to attend any classes in person?
This course is completely online, so there’s no need to show up to a classroom in person.

Is this course taught in other languages ?
Currently all IIBMT courses are taught in English only.

What you will earn

Once you complete the course and you successfully pass the final exam, you will be awarded a certificate like the sample shown below.

Save over 60% on this course
